Welcome to the 8th Mombasa Annual International OSH Conference, 2025


International delegates (other than from East Africa), kindly click the button below:


For local registrants, below are the different registration options:


Registration fees 

Conference only  Conference and Training Workshop
2-Day 3-days 
Ordinary delegates 15,000 20,000
Posters presenters 14,000 19,000
Students 11,000 13,000
Students posters presenters 10,000 12,000
Please note that:
1) All amounts are in Kenya Shillings (KES)
2) You can register for both the conference and the training workshop, or just the conference.
3) For poster presenter, the poster has to be presented throughout the Conference.
4) Your registration is complete only when you have successfully completed your payment.
5) For student, you will be required to provide proof os Study (Student ID)
6) For registration of more than one person, make sure you send in the names of all those covered by that registration.
7) If you have any special needs or need any additional considerations, kindly send your request to the organisers at registration@oshproservices.org