Welcome to the 7th Annual International OSH Conference, 2024



Registration fees
Conference only  Conference and training workshop Training workshop only (Hybrid)
1-Days 2-Day 3-days  (Physical/Virtual)
Ordinary delegates 7,000 13,000
(Virtual 3000)
(Virtual 4,500)
Posters presenters n.a 12,000 13,500 n.a.
Students 5,000 9,000 10,000 1,500/600
Students posters presenters n.a 8,000 9000 n.a.
1) All amounts are in Kenya Shillings (KES)
2) You can register for the conference and the training workshop, or just the event you wish to attend.
3) If you register for the Conference and the training workshop, youcan choose to attend the training physically or virtually.
4) Important to note that by participating virtually in the training, it may not be possible to fully take part in eventual phyiscal activities of the training.

NB: If you wish to attend the event virtually, you can register as virtual delegate

International delegates, kindly click the button below:


Registration Procedure

1. Identify, from the table above, the group you belong to

2. Make your payment with M-Pesa/Bank transfer to:

Account name: OSH Pro Services
Account number: 1500091201
Paybill number: 985050
Bank: Gulf African Bank, Bondeni Branch

3. Fill in the form on the right

4. Check to confirm that the information provided is correct

5. Submit your registration

Alternative payment method:

For alternative payment method, (credit/debit card, invoice, etc) kindly send your Name and email address to: admin@oshproservices.org


Registration Form



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